Nashion Dove

Hey, thanks for taking the time to read this far, I'm Dove (Dove is easier to remember), Im an interactive design student at Kennesaw state. I love user research, UX, and UI design, recently I have taken an interest in front end development, and though i have along way to go, i think enjoy the process of learning it.

During my time at KSU i have advanced my knowledge in design processes, software, and workspaces:


Like i mentioned before , i find joy in user research, but the idea of understanding different perspectives is what i really love, inside of user experience , and outside. Though I never travled outside of georgia as a child, in my 3 years of being in college ive been to ..




Image of Dove in California


I am a Designer and a new Developer , looking to make progress in both my crafts. I am on a journey to bridge the gap between design and development. I believe i have the skills and potential tobe an amazing asset to any team or company.